
Ck2 search for a smith
Ck2 search for a smith

ck2 search for a smith

Mitotic silencing of human rRNA synthesis: inactivation of the promoter selectivity factor SL1 by cdc2/cyclin B–mediated phosphorylation. Heix, J., Vente, A., Voit, R., Budde, A., Michaelidis, T.M. Inhibition of casein kinase II by heparin. Identification of a mammalian RNA poly–merase I holoenzyme containing components of the DNA re–pair/ replication system. Hannan, R.D., Cavanaugh, A., Hempel, W.M., Moss, T. Regulation of mammalian ribosomal gene tran–scription by RNA polymerase I. rRNA transcription and growth rate–dependent regulation of ribosome synthesis in Escherichia coli. Gourse, R.L., Gaal, T., Bartlett, M.S., Appleman, J.A. Cytokinin induction of RNA polymerase I transcription in Arabidopsis thaliana. Transcription regulation by initiating NTP concentra–tion: rRNA synthesis in bacteria. Gaal, T., Bartlett, M.S., Ross, W., Turnbough, C.L. The structure and control of expression of ri–bosomal RNA genes. Molecular co–evolution: rDNA divergence and the maintenance of function.Cell 38: 622–623.įlavell, R.B.

ck2 search for a smith

Serum–stimulated cell growth causes oscillations in casein kinase II activity. Sizing and mapping of early adenovirus mRNAs by gel electrophoresis of S1 endonuclease–digested hybrids. Protein kinase CK2: an enzyme with multiple substrates and a puzzling regulation. Histone acetyltransferase and protein kinase activities copurify with a putative Xenopus RNA polymerase I holoenzyme self–sufficient for promoter–dependent transcription. Albert, A.C., Denton, M., Kermekchiev, M.

Ck2 search for a smith